“We are all Moldova” project – a new vision on ethnic communities

Realitatea.md ”Toți suntem Moldova”
The Institute for Strategic Initiatives of Moldova presented the first two videos produced as part of the project “We are Moldova – rediscovering ethnic communities”, which is implemented with the financial support of the US Department of State. Moldovan TV channels will be able to use them free of charge as local content.
The scenarios of the videos were developed following several public consultations with representatives of ethnic communities, experts and opinion leaders.
“At first, we wanted to show less-known aspects of the lives of ethnic communities in Moldova in our videos. But a project is a living organism, and I am glad that before we held these consultations before proceeding with filming. The participants in these discussions suggested a totally different approach, and namely to emphasize the contribution of various ethnic communities to the overall development of Moldova, to show how they are involved in the life of the country”, says Maria Levcenco, the coordinator of the project.
Some protagonists of the videos produced as part of the project “We are Moldova” have identified with several ethnic groups. In this regard, participants in public consultations stressed the need to give them the right to self-identification.
The heroes of the first videos are the head of the Moldovan National Youth Orchestra, Adriano Marian, and the leader of the environmental movement, Taisia Camenscic
The project “We are all Moldova” aims to instil a new vision of ethnic communities in our country. The project provides for producing 10 videos of up to two minutes targeting primarily young people in Moldova.
The heroes of the first videos are Adriano Marian, the head of the Moldovan National Youth Orchestra, and Taisia Kamenscic, the leader of the environmental movement “Hai Moldova!”.