The volunteers of the Falesti District Youth Centre met with IPIS experts to learn about the existing mechanisms for creating and promoting their own social campaigns.
This meeting was preceded by a visit of the project coordinators to Falesti, during which we learned what problems the local activists think the Falesti district faces. Among the topics discussed were “youth indifference, lack of interest for civic activism, outdated views of some teachers, corruption in schools and health care system, as well as lack of sexual education.
In the near future, with the help of IPIS expertise, the volunteers of the local youth center will develop a company to solve one of these problems, so that in the future, using the experience gained, they can achieve their goals without our help.
The meeting took place within the programme “Vocal social campaigns at local level”, which is implemented within the Grant Programme “Development of civil society at local level in Moldova”, financed by the EU and the Conrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS).