A group of students from the pedagogical college “Mihail Ceakir” from Comrat participated in a disinformation lab within the project “#reforMD – resilience against disinformation in the Republic of Moldova”, which we are implementing in partnership with the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) and the Ihe Institut für Europäische Politik based in Berlin (IEP).

Participants of this lab learned about the latest trends and tools of disinformation, the channels through which it is disseminated and studied recent examples of disinformation campaigns.

#reforMD aims to strengthen resilience against disinformation through dialogue measures between civil society and political actors as well as capacity building at the local level. Media products such as videos, podcasts and TV debates, will be used to respond to disinformation campaigns concerning the policies of the EU and its member states. Civil society exchange on the issue with Germany and other member states will be promoted.