Профиль: Молдавский тянитолкай
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On June 25, IPIS hosted the first public event organized as part of the project “We are Moldova – what do we know about each other,” funded by the US Department of State. The project is part of the IPIS portfolio in the fields of social cohesion and strategic communication. During the consultation, attended by opinion leaders and representatives of ethnic communities in Moldova, we discussed the concept of a series of videos on the ethnic diversity in Moldova. IPIS will produce the videos under a common theme “What Do We Know About Each Other”.
The project “We all are Moldova – what do we know about each other” supported by US State Department is mainly devoted to the ethnic communities of the country. As part of this project, we are shooting a series of video clips that cover 10 different ethnic parts of Moldova. In addition, we plan to conduct a series of seminars in different regions of the country about the detrimental effect of hate speech over the social dialogue in our country.
Project implementation period: May 2018-January 2019.
Total budget: USD 17,500
The project was implemented by the Institute for European Policy (IPE) in Germany, in partnership with our Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) and the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) in 2017. The project was carried out with the financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.privesc.eu/arhiva/79225/Conferinta-organizata-de-Institut-f%C3%BCr-Europ%C3%A4ische-Politik–in-parteneriat-cu-Institutul-pentru-Politici-si-Reforme-Europene-si-Institutul-pentru-Initi
This research paper is an attempt to generate a constructive discussion about a possible integrationist model of society, which could emerge around a civic identity. This paper has been elaborated in the framework of the project “Strengthening the national identity of Moldova within the EU Association process (MIDEU)”, kindly supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. Social-Cohesion-and-a-Common-Identity-ENG
The Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) 2018. All rights reserved.
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