#NEXT4EU in Edinet: Dialogue on improving the business and investment climate

#NEXT4EU: 9 civil society representatives from Germany paid a study visit to the Republic of Moldova

#NEXT4EU in Ungheni: Dialogue on violence prevention and respect for human rights

(Română) Percepția cetățenilor Republicii Moldova cu privire la finanțarea externă și mecanismul de compensare a costurilor la energie pentru perioada rece a anului

A new edition of the #NEXT4EU Policy Dialogue was held in Cahul

IEP, IPIS and IPRE have presented NEXT4EU project – Young Generation for EU Integration in Moldova

#TDWomen’s Editions: “I discovered women from the other side”

The program “Transnistrian Dialogues: women’s edition” is resumed

(Română) ”Ajutor la contor” – eficiența răspunsului statului la criza energetică

Maia Sandu and Irina Vlah promote the study of the Gagauz and Romanian languages in Gagauzia