Mid-term dialogue “Inter-ethnic Relations and Social Cohesion in the Republic of Moldova”

Representatives of ethnic groups identified the problems and solutions in consolidating a strong society in a regional dialogue

Interethnic Dialogue in Soroca – Problems and Solutions in Strengthening Social Cohesion

IPIS Leadership Academy

VIDEO: Jurnalista MARIA LEVCENCO revine cu un proiect televizat. Emisiunea “TREI MILIOANE” apare în curând

„Trei Milioane”. În Moldova va fi lansată o nouă emisiune politică care își va muta studioul la tine acasă

IPIS: Call for Tender Proposals (event management company to provide long-term logistical and administrative support)

“We are all Moldova” project – a new vision on ethnic communities

Все мы Молдова. Таисия Каменщик

Toti suntem Moldova. Andriano Marian