The Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) is a Moldovan NGO established in 2017, uniting professionals with diverse views. IPIS works to address Moldova’s strategic development challenges from a non-political, non-partisan perspective. IPIS expertise covers five areas: good governance; conflict settlement and inter-ethnic consolidation; public involvement and participatory government; communications; foresight and digital transformation.
The call is announced within the project “Promoting social cohesion in Moldova through the study of Gagauz and Romanian languages in Gagauz Yeri autonomous territorial unit”, funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands and SOROS Foundation Moldova.
Implementation period: January 2021 – September 2021.
The overall goal of the project is to support the preservation of the Gagauz language and culture and to bridge the cultural and linguistic divide, growing mistrust and alienation between Gagauz-Yeri ATU and the rest of Moldova.
Project objectives are:
-Improve the understanding on the overall framework for the functioning of the Gagauz and Romanian languages in Gagauz Yeri ATU.
-Facilitate institutional collaboration between the key stakeholders to achieve sustainable improvement in the study of the Gagauz and Romanian language in the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauz Yeri.
-Increase public awareness about the study of the Gagauz and Romanian languages in Gaguz Yeri ATU.
For more details on project activities please see the attached project summary.
Interested individual consultants are invited to submit their applications by March 18, 2021, 10-00 (Chisinau time), to marinatabarna@gmail.com with the following documents, submitted in English:
-letter of intent to include a brief overview about the previous experiences in the field.
-detailed CV.
-financial proposal quoted in USD per 1 working hour (including all taxes) (Please note: The Institute will withhold from the specified hour rate the income tax, the social and medical premiums due from the side of the Consultant and the Institute, as provided by the Moldovan legislation.)
Incomplete proposals may not be considered.
Terms of reference_Local expert on multilingual education policies